Some Tips for Understanding U.S. Mail Forwarding

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A United States mail forwarding service like Shop Ship LLC ( can allow you to shop for items you want and know that they are going to be sent to you as cheaply as possible. You also get the advantage of knowing that your merchandise will be more likely to arrive in good condition and in a shorter period of time.

Sign Up with the Company

Before you can begin to reap the benefits of using a company like Shop Ship, you must go to their website and sign up for their services. You will normally have to fill out a registration telling them your basic information, and you may have to provide them with the information concerning the credit card you will be using to pay for their services.

During this sign up time you will be offered a chance to discover how to have the merchants you purchase items from send them to the shipping agency. It is best if you save the address to the website in your browsers favorites so you can quickly access the pages anytime you need to.

Order the merchandise you wish to buy from the United States

You can feel free to shop from any United States merchant, because you will know that you have a company that will direct the packages on to your country. Not all merchants will ship items overseas. It is very frustrating to find an item that you want to buy and then discover that the merchant limits their shipping to places within the United States.

The shipping company will be located within the United States so your merchandise will be sent from any merchant, and then it will simply be redirected to your door.

The package goes to the shipping company

The merchant will be given the shipping company address when you make your purchase. Then they ship the item to them instead of to you. Shop Shipwill receive the items and evaluate their condition before they send them on to your address.

When the shipping company receives your packages from the merchants, they will send you an email to let you know that they have your items and are processing them.

Your packages are evaluated

When your packages arrive at the shipping company, they will be checked to determine if they are in good condition before they are sent on to you. The packages may have to be re-packaged to make them capable of being shipped into another country. Sometimes when you are receiving multiple packages from merchants, the shipping company will consolidate the packages to save you shipping charges, and this can save you on customs documentation.

You confirm your receipt of the packages

When you receive the package, you need to email a confirmation to your shipping company, so they know that you have received your items. At this time, you can let them know that your items arrived in good condition, and anything pertinent to the shipping and receiving of the goods.

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