Tips for Snow Plough Operators

Tips for Snow Plough Operators
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Before your shift, make sure you’re well-rested. The majority of ploughing shifts take place late at night or early in the morning. Therefore, when ploughing, it’s critical that you’re well-rested and focused. Here are some tips recommended by Commercial snow removal Downriver Michigan

Dress Appropriately

As a snow plough operator, you must ensure that you are dressed appropriately. Make sure to wear layers so you can stay comfortable in the truck cab and have the extra insulation you’ll need when you exit your vehicle.

Before ploughing, examine your vehicle and plough. Check that your defroster and windshield wipers are working and that you have a set of road flares in case of a breakdown. While on the road, it’s a good idea to carry an emergency plough repair kit handy. These will feature specific replacement parts that will allow you to get back up and running quickly.



Make sure your plough is angled to the right when transferring it between job sites. This will prevent you from colliding with snowbanks that have formed along the side of the road—allowing your plough to collide with a snowdrift while driving can cause your car to get dragged into it. When transporting your plough between jobs, never operate it. We recommend turning off the plough controller to avoid mistakenly engaging the plough while driving between work sites. While travelling, make sure your plough is at a safe height. You want to make sure it doesn’t interfere with your eyesight or plough lights.

Watch for Overheating

While moving your plough, keep an eye on the temperature gauge in your vehicle. During the snow season, overheating the engine can result in costly repairs and downtime. If you discover that your vehicle is overheating regularly, make sure you stop and try to fix the cause. Stop and adjust your plough to provide better airflow to your car’s radiator if you notice your vehicle overheating while transporting your plough.


Know Your Surfaces 

It is critical to be mindful of the surface you are ploughing. You will want to lower the plough shoes if you are ploughing on dirt or gravel. This will maintain the cutting edge of your plough high enough off the ground to avoid scraping away the surface material. Raise or remove your plough shoes while ploughing asphalt or concrete to help your plough scrape as close to the surface as feasible.

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