Free Colorado Driving Records (MVRs) Don’t Exist

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But I see it all the time – click here for a “free” Colorado driving record or MVR.” But its a scam, a website that’s designed to offer you other products while you’re trying to get to your “free” driving record. But driving records in Colorado (and most other states, as far as I know) aren’t free. Why? Well, to begin with, the Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles is part of the Colorado Department of Revenue. That’s right, the state charges for every single record released. So how can anybody else be giving it to you for free?

I have navigated a few of these sites, and they’re pretty slick. But at the end of the day, you never get a real, official, issued-by-the-State-of-Colorado driving record.

For more information, go to our website at We won’t promise you a “free” driving record, and we won’t try to sell you something else. We’ll simply obtain your drivng record for about $10 over the cost of that record and send it to you as a PDF attachment.

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