Blogging: Narcissism or Self Expression?

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The New Age Diary

Blogging has become popular since the dawn of the internet and many would call it the new age diary. People of all ages, ethnicities, sex, etc. have the ability to write their feelings, thoughts and whatever comes to their mind and share it with strangers or keep it private by blogging. It gives the shy quiet person the ability to connect with strangers that have the same interest or the outgoing person to share their love of knitting with strangers without being judged. Blogging has evolved in the last two decades into several sub categories; you can join a blog network for new moms, foodies, tattoo lovers, animal activists etc. The list goes on and on with the different type of blogs that are out there for you to share your thoughts and if you cannot find a blog about what you want to talk about you can create one. The internet has allowed anyone to share whatever they want to speak about with strangers and the blogging world keeps getting larger.

The Person behind the Keyboard

One of the best benefits of blogging is that you can talk about whatever you want without fear of being criticized to your face. The power of the keyboard or internet power allows you to remain anonymous if you chose. This is a great benefit for many people as they can voice their opinion without being known personally. This is especially helpful when talking about a subject that is socially frowned upon. While followers or readers of your blog may disagree with your opinion you can chose to ignore or acknowledge them without the awkward confrontation.

Narcissism and Blogging

Personal Blogging has been associated with narcissism especially in the American culture. In the last ten years we have tons of social networks that can be considered blogging. We have facebook, instagram, twitter etc. These are all social networks that allow us to share whatever is on our minds with our followers/friends. While blogs before were more diary oriented and went through your day, as blogging evolved so did the narcissism of blogging. Blogging can now be more related to bragging. Facebook which is one the largest social networks out there has millions of subscribers and each of them has their own personal page to post whatever it is that they chose within the guidelines of Facebook.

People tend to blog about what would make their followers/friends envious. They share photos of their vacations, dinners out with friends, post about how amazing their life is etc. but, the truth of the matter is they are putting out what they want people to think of them. It is very rare that you will find posts on these social networking blogs that are sharing real life situations. If I was to post throughout the day of my daily activities of cooking breakfast, doing laundry, showering and writing essays, no one would be interested or envious of me which is why I don’t blog about the mundane daily chores.

As we continue to evolve it will be interesting to see what direction blogging takes but, as of now I guess at least in the American culture it will be mainly sustained of being the narcissist dream.

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