James Hurysz Recently Discussed The Importance Of Public Service For The Success Of Business Professionals.

James Hurysz Recently Discussed The Importance Of Public Service For The Success Of Business Professionals.
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ARLINGTON, VA / AUG. 5, 2022 / Public service is mutually beneficial. Retired independent businessman James Hurysz worked in manufacturing quality assurance, but he also spent numerous years in public service. He explained that his work furthering the public good was equally or more rewarding than his work as a CEO. Hurysz recently discussed that business-minded individuals can benefit from public service.

Unrivaled Work Experience

Individuals in all fields can benefit from public service positions. Internships, pro bono work, and running for office provide valuable experiences that are difficult to find anywhere else. This experience can be especially helpful when high-paying jobs are scarce.

Superior Work-Life Balance

Developing a successful work-life balance is not easy, but experience in public service can help. Many times, public interest positions are nine-to-five or even offer part-time work, remote work, or flexible schedules. This allows individuals to develop a healthy work-life balance they can take into the business world.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance helps prevent burnout in the workplace and reduces stress. This leads to a more satisfying work environment and superior mental and physical health. All of these elements benefit the business’s overall success.

Working for the Public Good

Businessman James Hurysz accredited his work in public service for improved self-confidence and satisfaction. He was able to help underserved groups in ways he couldn’t see when working in an office. Hurysz was able to carry what he learned when working in public service over to his business life, using his success to serve the people and projects that need it most.

Countless Networking Opportunities

Working in public service automatically means connecting with prominent members of the local community. The relationships formed through public service quickly transfer into the business world, where companies build partnerships, young business professionals gain mentors, and deals are made. These contacts can also serve as support systems if the business gets tough.

Hurysz added that public service often includes honors and recognition. These signs of leadership in the community help create confidence and even more networking possibilities.

James Hurysz and Public Service

Hurysz believes public service is an essential part of work and life. He served on several boards, groups, and political parties over the years. He did this out of a desire to improve his community, and it created many positive results for his companies too.

His public service work in the area represented his commitment to issues regarding sustainable growth, independent political activism, and more. He hopes fellow business owners and citizens of the community will realize the values of public service for themselves and the communities in which they live.

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