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Top 7 Facts about Instagram Marketing that Meme Accounts Got Right

Top 7 Facts about Instagram Marketing that Meme Accounts Got Right
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You must have felt that meme accounts are silly and meaningless. But when used strategically they can be a great tool for Instagram marketing. Open any social media platform and you will see some accounts solely make memes.

Many brands are using memes for marketing their products as they are entertaining and easy to consume. Using memes for marketing products can give a new direction and a reboot to the social media marketing strategy.

Thinking about why memes are becoming a popular tool for marketing nowadays? Here are some possible reasons-

Here are the top 7 facts about Instagram marketing that meme accounts got right.

Fact1. Value of Great Caption

When done properly, captions are the most useful tool for increasing engagement in your Instagram account, and guess what, meme accounts are a pro at this. Brief and small captions are easy to read even if you are scrolling down through Instagram feed. If captions are brief then users can read them without clicking on “more”.

You must have noticed that many accounts tend to write long captions to tell a story so that people can connect with their posts in a better way. This technique can be very useful and sometimes it is but the negative point is that it demands more time from your followers which is always not available. In such cases, meme accounts come into action, they use short, catchy captions and drives engagement in a much better way than long captions do.

Fact2. Consistent Attractiveness

You can easily recognize a meme whenever and wherever you see one no matter whether it is an image, a text above an image, or simply a screenshot from other social media platforms like Twitter or Tumblr. You instantly know that it is a meme within a fraction of seconds when you see it.

For building your brand on Instagram or any other platform, the thing that is most important is the consistency of your brand. According to Forbes, consistency helps to build brand trust and creditability. Your brand is such an asset that personifies your business. You need to have a consistent tone irrespective of whether you are posting content on social media, replying to customers’ reviews, or their emails.

When your followers see your post they should readily recognize it as yours without having to check your account for confirmation and for this reason consistency is important.

Fact3. Audience Centric

It is important to know what type of content, your audience prefers the most and that’s why despite being mass appealing, meme accounts try to focus their contents on a particular type of audience. For example, a meme account can share a meme related to a community for attracting the audiences of that community. People of that community will readily like, share, and comment on the post if they get the meme! But one thing, meme accounts should be very careful about posting such community memes is that not be offensive as it can have a serious negative impact on them.

You will easily find meme accounts that have aligned their posts with their audiences like some post memes on relationship anxieties of women, some make memes on teens. Some cover a larger audience by making memes on daily horoscopes.

This fact does not imply that for marketing you have to always make content based on only one type of audience. You can reach out to other audiences also. The thing that this fact says is being audience-centric helps to build a strong connection between the company and its customers.

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Fact4. Uniqueness

Nowadays, many photos on Instagram look the same i.e. most of them follow a common theme. But, there are some meme accounts, that post contents which are to some extent out of the box or simply unique. Those posts may not be necessarily beautiful and charming but they still grab the attention of a lot of people due to their uniqueness. In case you want to know the term that is used to define such ugly yet attractive posts then it is “Instagram-ugly”.

If you want an example then here it is. You might have seen many posts of dogs on Instagram showing them lying, sitting, or walking with their owner. But it would be a bit unique if you see a dog dressed as a human kid and enjoying the summer winds on the beach and that also standing on its two legs just like humans.

Fact5. Shareable

Most brands try to spread their posts by using great blogs, pretty images, newsletters, etc. But meme accounts tend to stand out; they make their posts silly and tend to keep them accessible and recognizable.

They keep their memes as relatable as possible so that it provokes people to share them and tag others when they get to decode the meme. In this way, memes increase the reach of a post.

Fact6. Partnering with Brands

Memes’ capabilities are surprising. They can even sponsor a brand in their posts. Surprised right? But it is true. A huge follower base and highly engaged audiences of meme accounts make them a perfect choice for the brands to partner with.

Fact7. Mysteriousness

What makes memes popular is their secrecy. Big brands try to keep their posts authentic and transparent as it makes communication with their customers open and better. Though this approach has been helpful for many brands, but may not always work well as your customers may feel that you are getting too personal in your posts. Here is where memes come to the rescue. Meme accounts follow just the opposite approach of most of the brands and remain anonymous and this anonymity is what has made them interesting.


These are the top 7 facts about Instagram marketing that meme accounts have got right. Hope this article has also helped you to know why meme accounts can be effective for Instagram marketing.

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