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Patch Management Solutions – What You Need To Know

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The concept behind patch management is quite simple – it is simply a process that ensures all operating systems in a network are updated and fully functional. As a result, this ensures that the network is kept free from bugs and security breaches.

For most information technology experts as well as MSPs, patch management is a process that starts and ends with the installation of Windows software updates. This leaves the system vulnerable to attacks.

For anyone with an interest in computer press, it is evident that most high profile computer and network vulnerabilities are caused by 3rd party software programs like Adobe reader and Flash. Any company that fails to take up a reliable patch management solution does its networks a great injustice by leaving it vulnerable to attacks. While some users may be keen to make updates when prompted to, others will simply ignore the prompts leading to serious security issues.

Patch Management Software      


Fortunately, there are several patch management software programs that make it really easy to manage the patching process on unlike software and hardware.

Most of these solutions are quite affordable and are easy to use making the patch management process seamless. These management solutions offer MSPs a potential benefit through a bolt-on patch management solution that can be added to the MSP offering.

The best patch management software offers the IT administrators the ability to scan through entire network to look for missing patches. It is advisable to go for patch management software that is compatible with popular 3rd party software packages.

Testing Of Patches

Even though ignoring of patches or slow deployment can lead to system vulnerabilities, it is also common for installed patches to cause operational issues and unpredicted knock-on effects.

This is why it is advisable to try new patches on test infrastructure before actually deploying them in the production system. Any time an IT department plans on deploying a patch management solution, they should always ensure that the strategy for implementation allows for pre-deployment testing.  This goes a long way in curbing system down time.

How to Improve Patch Management

Making patching a priority

It is important to make patch management mandatory for any company or business. The IT department should be given an expectation on patch management and it should be seen as a critically important part of the company.

Implementing a patch management solution   

The senior management should go out of their way to ensure they implement a patch management solution. While free patch management solutions do work, they do not offer the same features common in the premium solutions. A patch management solution helps in automating the testing, patching, auditing as well as reporting steps that can be hard to implement with manual processes.

Creating an inviolate patching window  

It is important to create a regular patching window. This schedule should be shared with other business units for the purposes of planning around the patching activity. This is an effective way of updating servers and workstations quickly.

Confirm for 100% compliance

It is unprofessional to assume that all patches have been deployed successfully across all systems. Go for a patch management solution that reports on the status of all systems after a deployment. This way, you can know when the patch is successfully deployed or where there are hiccups.

Ability to roll back   

As mentioned earlier in this post, there are times when a patch deployment can cause issues with the network or system functions. When this happens, you need to be sure that you have the ability to uninstall a patch that causes issues. Not all patch management solutions offer this feature and hence the need to take the time to choose a solution that allows for roll backs.

There you have it – everything there is to know about patch management and patch management solutions. You can click here for a reliable patch management solution.

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