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Examples of Industrial Waste and How to Deal with It

Examples of Industrial Waste and How to Deal with It
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Materials that are often found in waste include biodegradable organic compounds, volatile organic compounds, organic compounds that are difficult to decompose, toxic heavy metals, suspended solids, nutrients, pathogenic microbes, and parasites.

The development of the industrial sector in Indonesia is currently growing rapidly, contributing to the impact on other sectors, both positive and negative impacts. The positive impact of this industrial development is felt in the economic sector where so many jobs are created, not only that, there are also many uses of new technology which are finally applied in various fields. The negative impacts that are felt are from industrial waste that is disposed of in the form of liquid waste containing substances that are harmful to the surrounding community.

Due to the negative impact that comes from industrial waste, every company needs to manage industrial waste.

Types of Industrial Waste

Based on their characteristics, industrial waste is divided into four types, including:

1. Solid Waste

Solid waste is waste from industrial products that are no longer used in the form of solids, mud or slurry originating from a processing process, or waste generated from industrial activities, as well as from public places.

Solid waste like this when dumped in the water (read: type of water) will certainly pollute the water and can cause living things that live in it to die. Meanwhile, if it is disposed of in land areas (read: terrestrial ecosystems) without any processing, it will pollute the soil in that area. Some examples of solid industrial waste include plastic, bags, clothing scraps, paper waste, cables, electricity, cement slurries, industrial sludge, and so on.

2. Liquid Waste

Liquid waste is known as a water pollutant entity. As the name implies, what is referred to as liquid waste is waste that has a liquid form. Usually this liquid industrial waste will be discharged directly into waterways such as sewers, rivers and even the ocean.

3. Gas Waste

Gas waste is waste caused by natural sources or as a result of human activities in the form of gas molecules and generally has a bad impact on the life of living things on Earth. This gas waste is of course in the form of gas. Because of its gaseous form, this gas factory waste usually pollutes the air. Some examples of this gas waste include gas leaks, factory burning, factory fumes left over from production and so on.

4. Hazardous and Toxic Waste (B3)

In addition to solid, liquid and gaseous waste, there is one more type of waste that is categorized as B3 waste, namely hazardous and toxic waste. B3 waste in question is the residue of a business or activity containing hazardous and/or toxic materials which due to their nature, concentration, or amount either directly or indirectly can pollute, damage, and may endanger the environment, health, human survival and as well as other living things.

Industrial Waste Treatment

After knowing examples of industrial wastes that are commonly produced by industry, the next step is to find out how they are managed. A mandatory requirement from the Government of Indonesia that every industrial player must have is to have a waste management plan. Every profit obtained from industrial processes must be accompanied by waste treatment so that it is not harmful to the environment or to other living things. There are various types of waste treatment according to each type of waste. For clarity, we will discuss it as follows regarding industrial waste treatment:

1. Solid Waste Treatment

The industrialization process creates a lot of waste. One type of waste that can be generated from industrial processes is solid waste. To deal with solid waste, the ways we can do include the following:

2. Open Hoarding

Open landfill is the first solution or treatment that can be done on solid waste. Solid waste is divided into organic and non-organic. Organic solid waste will be better stockpiled, because it will be broken down by decomposing organisms so that it will make the soil more fertile.

3. Sanitary Landfill

This sanitary landfill uses holes that have been lined with clay and plastic to prevent swelling in the soil and the methane gas that is formed can be used to generate electricity.

4. Incineration

Incineration or waste incineration is a waste processing technology that involves burning organic matter. Incineration and other high-temperature waste treatment is defined as thermal treatment. Incineration of waste materials converts waste into ash, combustion gases, particulates, and heat

5. Making Solid Compost

As with stockpiling, as previously explained, organic solid waste will be more useful if it is made into compost. This compost can be used as a community effort that is very beneficial for many people.

6. Recycle

Solid waste that is non-organic can be re-sorted. Solid waste that can still be reprocessed can be recycled into new goods or made other goods that are useful or have high selling value. as an example is the craft of used goods.

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