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The Benefits of a Modular Desk

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The desks you use at your office are surprisingly important. Whether you are fitting your office for the first time or refurbishing your office fitout, you should consider the types of desks you are choosing for your employees. There are different options that can be more appropriate for different types of businesses. The common oak or hardwood desk that sits like a behemoth in an office has generally fallen out of favour. There are many reasons why someone might choose to forego the large desk for something simpler and more modular.

Modular Desks

Research has found that sitting for extended periods of time can actually be damaging to your health. Researchers have found that those who sit for six or more hours uninterrupted can do damage to their health; some have been gone as far as to call sitting for prolonged periods of time “the new smoking.” With those types of health concerns, you should do everything you can to offer your employees and yourself room to stretch your legs and the freedom to stand. White bench desks are a great way to offer extended leg room. In addition, they can be outfitted however the business or employee needs them to be.

For example, you can add dividers to a long bench desk to turn one desk into multiple. Furthermore, you should look for one that has open leg space. Shared leg room allows users to stretch their legs without hitting a divider. It also allows them to store things underneath the desk.

Streamlining the Desk

Streamlining your desk and office space is great for ease of use, which enhances productivity. When there is clutter around a desk or in the walkways, it can discourage people from getting up and moving around. A cluttered workspace can also take up energy in people’s head; research has shown that those who work in cluttered or disorganised offices are less productive. Psychologically, the clutter of an unkempt office leads people to take their work less seriously.

If you choose to have streamlined bench desks, the office can be kept clear of clutter. That can help create a more productive workspace.


Everything in your business should be tuned to increasing productivity and boosting worker morale. One way to increase productivity is to encourage your employees to work together in tandem. Working together will necessitate that they have open lines of communication. If they are sitting at a bench desk with only short dividers between them, they will be able to share ideas quickly.

Sharing ideas has been shown to create greater productivity among employees as well as foster personal relationships. Those who work in an office where they like and respect their co-workers report a higher degree of job satisfaction. Those who have higher job satisfaction tend to stay at their jobs longer.

Research has shown that those who stay at their jobs longer tend to be more productive. Your business stands to gain a lot from bench desks alone. They can be the cornerstone of an office’s focus on productivity.

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